Retro Racing: Double Dash

This is a fast arcade F1 racing game I made for the 32bit Spring Cleaning 2024 jam. It is the continuation of Retro Racing: Super Circuit.

I published the web version so that people can check the game quickly without having to install anything. However, I highly recommend playing the windows version, as it works much better. I also added an Android build but beware: you may need a good phone to play it, otherwise some maps could lag a little.

Changes since Super Circuit:

The following is a brief list of the main changes I introduced in this update. For a more detailed description of each change, please see the devlog Changes since Super Circuit.

  1. New game modes: time trial and race
  2. Bots!
  3. Online multiplayer
  4. Last week leaderboards
  5. New tracks
  6. Better physics
  7. Improved car control
  8. New GUI
  9. Joystick support
  10. Android export



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Retro Racing - Double Dash v0.1.4.apk 88 MB
Retro Racing - Double Dash v0.1.4 (windows).zip 46 MB

Development log


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All 5 map WRs

get on my level

I set the WR for Sunflower Field on 1.3 and it's still up on 1.4 are there any gameplay differences between the 2


Both versions are functionally equivalent. For 0.1.4 I think I just fixed a small bug but other than that the game is exactly the same.

However, I’m currently working on a big update that would render current records obsolete. I’ll probably release it in the following days (or maybe in the weekend, I don’t know)


Me alegro que te haya gustado. Y gracias por el video! Veo que le agarraste la mano a los bots bastante rápido. Muy bien!

I can't see the track. I reloaded the game few times. Is this just happening to me? Everything is invisible.

That is so weird, I haven’t been able to reproduce it on my computers. Which OS and browser are you using? Could you try downloading the windows or the android version? Thanks!

I downloaded it, now it works. I just had to restart my pc. Thanks!

Great, thanks for letting me know!

Great game but if you're not aware you can go back at the start of the race without starting the timer , it allows to do better time but it's really annoying to do the setup every time , so please fix it .

Yeah not only can you go faster by going backward and then turning around and going through the starting line, but there's another way to go even faster. Please make the timer start as soon as the light turns green! It would fix both issues, and like Carlos said they take so long to set up.

-Rtificer on the Leaderboard

I understand now what you mean with the other way to go faster. It’s funny how quickly people find ways to exploit the jankyness in my games :)

The issue is that if I fix it now then I’ll have to remove all the current records, otherwise they’ll become impossible to beat. Anyway, I’ll think of something and fix it as soon as I find some free time. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! I originally made the timer start when you cross the finish line to try to avoid having a slower first lap but it doesn’t really work and people have been exploiting it since the first version. I’ll fix it as soon as I can.


If you were to continue:
 - Setting to remove GUI.
 - Gamepad support for menus.
 - Scale down winter houses, they look laughably huge compared to the car.
 - CPU speed to setup difficulties.
 - Consecutive events rather than getting kicked to the title screen.
 - Gamepad button to alter views.
 - Third camera option that still chases the vehicle, but not so far behind.

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll be sure to take it into account for the next update.

The gamepad support was a late addition so it didn’t get enough love.

What do you mean “setting to remove GUI”? You mean the onscreen controls for mobile?

I didn’t feel the winter houses were too big at the time, but now that you mention it you’re right. Maybe I can rename the map to “Giants’ Village” or something :P

The game has a good solid engine.  To make the gameplay more varied, perhaps there should be some boosts and jumps to break up the gameplay.  The AI needs to be more spread out, instead of clumped together in a pack.  A good solid foundation to build on, the artwork is cool and the racing mechanics are solid.  Perhaps show lap times during the race along with best laps.

Thanks! Based on the feedback I got so far, my 1st priority would be to improve the AI. I want to have bots with different difficulty levels, that should prevent the clumping behavior and also make the game a little easier for casual players.

Boosts sound like a fun addition, and showing lap times should be easy, but jumps seem a little more challenging. The tracks are all flat on purpose because I wanted to simplify the math involved. If I add elevation I’ll have to deal with more complicated physics. It could be a fun exercise, though…

Nice Game. Runs smooth and the controls feel good.

Thanks! I’m glad you liked it

(1 edit)

Congrats on winning the 32Bit Spring Cleaning game jam!

I managed to place on some of the time trial leader boards.

Nice work!!!


Thanks! Your records didn’t last long in the leaderboards, I’m afraid :)


Retro Racing: Double Dash Gameplay

Nice, thanks! :)



The game is awesome I just tested it out on Android. Played the previous versions and I can say there's tonnes of improvements. Thanks

Thanks! I’m glad you liked it :)